Stories & Photos: Restoration of my 68, Part 7

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The amount of welding I had done made it necessary to do some considerable filling and sanding.
In my efforts to get as good fitting as possible between the door and the wing I even cut up the rear wall of the wing to match the door better.
Not so bad if I may say it myself. Of course there were some other smaller dents in the doors and wings that needed some attention.
Lots of sanding creates a lot of dust, all over, which has to be cleaned before painting.
With some primer it starts to look quite good.
Closeup of the rear.
I chose to finish the paint of the door frames directly after the primer.
Also the front was completed without sanding before final finish.
For best possible finish the filler must be sanded smooth.

To avoid sanding through the primer I tinted my first layer with some black pigment. This way I can see when I have sanded through the top layer of primer.
Along the roof the surface was not very flat, but after some sanding the finish was good enough for me.

To Part 8

Magnus Bjelk (

Last revision 2005-03-29